Hollywood star Leah Pipes, best known for her iconic role as Camille O’Connell in the hit Netflix series The Originals, recently made waves with her impeccable style during an exclusive interview with XMagazine. The talented actress, who captured hearts on-screen as the compassionate and determined Camille—a human who falls in love with the enigmatic vampire Klaus—proved that her off-screen fashion game is just as mesmerizing as her acting chops.
For the interview, Leah opted for a chic and sophisticated grey wool coat designed by Joana Almagro, a rising star in the fashion world. The tailored piece perfectly complemented Leah’s classic beauty and effortless elegance, exuding a mix of modern flair and timeless sophistication. The grey hue of the coat, paired with its structured silhouette, highlighted Leah’s poise and charm, making her the picture of contemporary glamour.
The choice of a Joana Almagro creation is no surprise. Known for her refined designs that blend bold statements with understated elegance, Almagro has become a favorite among celebrities looking to make a lasting impression. Leah’s outfit is a testament to the designer’s ability to create pieces that not only turn heads but also tell a story of empowerment and confidence.
During the interview, Leah opened up about her journey as an actress, her experience playing Camille, and the emotional depth of her character’s love story with Klaus, portrayed by Joseph Morgan. Fans of The Originals still rave about Camille’s enduring love for Klaus, a storyline that brought tears, hope, and passion to viewers around the world. When asked about her connection to Camille, Leah said, “She’s one of the most meaningful roles I’ve ever played. Her strength, vulnerability, and belief in the goodness of people taught me so much, not just as an actress but as a person.”
The interview also touched on Leah’s latest projects, her approach to navigating Hollywood, and her evolving sense of style. "Fashion is a way to tell your story without words," she shared. "This coat by Joana Almagro felt like it captured the essence of who I am right now—strong, grounded, and a little adventurous."
Fans and fashion enthusiasts alike have been buzzing about Leah’s stunning look, with many taking to social media to praise her outfit. "Leah Pipes in Joana Almagro is a match made in fashion heaven," one fan tweeted, while another gushed, "Her grey coat is pure elegance. Joana Almagro’s designs are truly magical!"
As Leah continues to captivate audiences both on and off the screen, her collaboration with designers like Joana Almagro cements her status as a Hollywood style icon. Whether she’s portraying a complex character like Camille or dazzling in a high-fashion ensemble, Leah Pipes remains a star who knows how to leave an unforgettable impression.
Read the full story about Leah Pipes’ XMagazine interview and her stunning look here: